Hearing God’s Word for Today
Far be it from me to have an idle mind. You know, since it’s the devil’s workshop and all. How effortlessly our minds wander to fears, anxieties, and what-ifs! One scroll through social media or, heaven forbid, watching one segment of the ten o’clock news will have your mind fixed on everything disheartening. So, how are we, as competent humans, busy with careers, family, parenting, homemaking, spouse-ing (if you’ll allow me to make up a word)…supposed to think about “such things” (Phil 4:3)? Jesus called us to be in the world but not of the world, but, lo and behold, here we are, helpless earthlings in a constant battle to be both hearers and doers of the Word.
While I may not always carve out time in my crazy day to stop in solitude for peace, quiet, and spiritual nourishment (**I’m working on this!), that doesn’t mean I must be deprived of a fresh serving of God’s Word for today. I don’t have to stop or carve out a spare moment to listen to something! Listening to sermons and audio programs that feed my soul keep me going. I listen while doing housework, cooking, putting on my makeup (as rare as that may be), and driving (this happens to be one of my favorites since we are in the car oh so much). And, as easy as that, I hear hand-picked audio that helps to fix my mind on greater things than what I just saw on Facebook. Discovering the One Place App has been a literal game-changer for me (thanks, Mom!). A quick download will equip you to hear pertinent and meaningful truths on-demand and hear God’s word for today! Here are some of my favorite broadcasts:VIEW POST