Have you ever wondered how to energize your marriage when life is so darn busy? Jobs, kids, and all the things leave your energy tank running on empty most of the time. Whether you have one minute or can carve out an entire weekend, it’s important to be proactive about bringing positive energy and intentional effort to your relationship with your husband. The little things add up and the big things make a lasting impact.
Energize your marriage in one minute:
It’s the little things that mean the most. In the midst of our busy, day-to-day lives, our husbands are encouraged by the small courtesies and gestures that are beyond easy to do (and easy not to do).
1.Bring him a drink. Is he working in the yard? Sitting at the computer? Watching TV? Without him asking, bring him a cup of coffee, glass of water, or a cold beer.
2. Make his plate. I know…you have three kids’ plates to make and everything else to do before you get to your own. But, what if every now and then you made his plate first, just to let you know you’re thinking of him? Men love to be taken care of!
3. Stop for an unexpected smooch. When you walk past him in the kitchen or he walks in the door from work, grab his face and give him a kiss he won’t soon forget! (Bonus points for a pinch on the rear.)
4. Let him hear you talking good about him. Tell the kids why he’s the best dad around or why you’re so lucky to be his wife. Brag on him to your mom about his home improvement skills or the project he excelled on at work.
5. Leave him a note on the bathroom mirror, in his car, or tuck it away in his suitcase before he heads out of town.
In a few hours:

If you’ve got a free morning, afternoon, or evening, energize your marriage in just a few hours with these ideas.
6. Plan a date night. Fix your hair, put on some lipstick and a cute outfit, and get out of the house! Head to your favorite restaurant just because.
7. Join him in a favorite activity. Does he love to golf? Schedule a tee time and play with him (or at least drive him around in the golf cart). Is he a car guy? Find a car show in your area and surprise him by taking him there for the afternoon. Gun guy? Ask him to take you to the gun range for some shooting practice. Go to a baseball game together. The sky is the limit!
8. Watch a movie you’ve both been wanting to see. Cuddling is mandatory! (Try not to fall asleep. I’ve heard people sometimes do that.)
In a few days:
You’ll never regret taking a few days away or investing time in some high-impact activities for you and your marriage.
9. Plan a getaway. Find a marriage conference in your area, hop on a plane or take a road trip to your favorite city, or simply schedule a couple nights in a romantic hotel or nearby bed and breakfast. Sometimes a change of scenery is more energizing than you can imagine.
10. Read a book on marriage. Some of my favorites for both husband and wife are Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs, The Love Dare by Alex Kendrick, and The Kingdom Marriage by Tony Evans. (Have you seen my post on the 9 Books That Built Me?)
11. Take a class. Look in your church or in your area for a marriage class, parenting class, or financial resource class. When you become better in these areas, it encourages and energizes your marriage.
Marriage is a journey that ebbs and flows over the course of a lifetime. Not every season is filled with laughs, getaways, and roses. Some seasons are tough…maybe not enjoyable at all. But we all know that feelings are indicators, not dictators. Tell your feelings where to go and do it anyway. Start with a minute, go for a few hours, and then try a few days. Because building a good marriage (even creating one that doesn’t yet exist) is worth it. Follow along on Instagram for weekly Wifey Wednesday ideas on energizing your marriage!